Given below is the Constitution of the Lochaber Beekeepers Association. The Constitution is the governing document by which the LBA manages, controls and regulates itself and therefore all current members, and those wishing to join, are expected to be familiar with this document and agree to abide by the rules therein.
Lochaber Beekeepers Association Constitution – Revised November 2020
1. The name of the Association will be Lochaber Beekeepers Association.
2. The objectives of the association shall be 1) the advancement of good practice in local beekeeping activities and 2) the support of new and current members through the provision of training events, guidance and mentoring and any other benefits the Committee may from time to time devise. The association shall be run as a not-for-profit organisation or as a registered charity as the Committee and members shall vote in any AGM or SGM.
3. Lochaber Beekeepers Association shall be affiliated to The Scottish Beekeepers Association and accept the Constitution and Rules of The Scottish Beekeepers Association. Representatives shall be appointed in accordance with the rules of The Scottish Beekeepers Association to represent this Association at the meetings of that body.
4. Membership: Ordinary membership shall be open to those interested in beekeeping who pay their subscription annually, before end-January of the year commencing. Anyone wishing to become an Ordinary member who is below 16 years of age is to be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. The Association may elect to Honorary Life Membership any member who has rendered eminent service to the Association and/or to beekeeping.
5. Expulsion: The Association shall have the power to expel any member if they: a. Refuse to conform to the Constitution and Rules of the Association. b. Act in any way which is liable to bring the Association into disrepute. Any member so expelled will not be entitled to any refund of subscription already paid.
6. The Committee shall consist of: a. Officers: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Equipment Manager, Shows Convener, and Communications Manager. Two offices may be combined. b. The Committee may co-opt up to three additional members in specific support roles who shall serve until the next AGM. c. At a meeting of the Committee, three shall form a quorum. d. The Committee may set up sub-committees for special topics or projects. e. The Committee will manage the affairs of the Association, subject to any limitations imposed by decisions at an AGM.
7. An Honorary Auditor shall be elected annually but shall not be a member of the Committee. Other roles including Training Apiary Manager, Diseases Officer, Editor, and Training Co-ordinator may be combined with any or none of the offices listed above but do not constitute elected offices in themselves nor confer membership of the Committee.
8. Members may be nominated for Honorary Life Membership at the Annual General Meeting for services rendered to the Association and/or to beekeeping generally. Such honorary members shall be entitled to the same privileges extended to ordinary members.
9. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association shall be held within two months of 30th September, this being the financial year-end. One eighth of the membership shall form a quorum. At least fourteen days’ notice of the meeting shall be given in writing by letter or email and announcement on the Association website and other forms of online communication commonly in use by the Communications Manager at that time. At this meeting the following business will be transacted: a. apologies for absence b. adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM and of any Special General Meetings held since c. presentation of the Chair's report d. presentation of the Secretary’s report e. presentation of the Treasurer’s report f. presentation of the Equipment Manager's report g. election of members to the offices of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Manager, Equipment Manager, Shows Convener and Honorary Auditor as vacancies require. h. election of Honorary Life Members i. fixing the annual subscription j. business of any proposed motion or discussion items received by the Secretary in writing at least fourteen days before the AGM. k. Any other matters arising or competent AGM business.
10. The election of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Equipment Manager, Communications Manager & Shows Convener shall be for a term of three years and officers may be re-elected for one additional term – so serving no more than six successive years in the same office. Retired officers will be eligible for re-election to the same office after a period of two years.
11. Co-opted Committee members shall be eligible to serve for up to three years.
12. In the event of the resignation of any officer, the Committee may co-opt a member to fill the position until the date of the next AGM.
13. Each Candidate for election must be nominated by one member and seconded by another. Nominations may be in writing to the Secretary, in advance of the AGM, or they may be made verbally at the meeting. If more than one individual is nominated for any vacancy, a ballot of the members present at the AGM shall be made. In this ballot each member shall be entitled to one vote and the decision will be based on a simple majority.
14. Chair voting rights: In the event of a tied vote at any meeting the Chair shall have a second or casting vote. The Chair, if present, will chair any meeting and, in their absence, this will be delegated to another officer.
15. A Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Association may be convened at any time by the Committee and shall be convened within twenty-eight days of receipt by the Secretary of a written requisition signed by any seven members. At least fourteen days’ notice of the meeting shall be sent to all members by letter or email and announced on the Association’s website with other forms of online communication commonly in use by the Communications Manager at that time. The notice of the meeting shall clearly state the purpose for which the meeting is to be held.
16. The financial year shall be the twelve months ending on 30th September. Annual Subscriptions for the following year will be due in January of that year. Any member failing to pay his or her subscription by 31st March may, at the discretion of the Committee, have their membership cancelled and be excluded from the privileges of membership until the membership subscription is renewed. New members joining after 30th June may be enrolled for the remainder of the year on payment of pro rata fee. Those new to beekeeping who attend an Introductory Course arranged by the Association will be charged 50% of the annual subscription for their first year’s membership.
17. The Association shall maintain a bank account and the authorised cheque signatories shall be the Treasurer and three other elected officers. Cheques shall be signed by any two of the four signatories, online banking authorisations will be verified by 2 of the four signatories in the method provided by the bank account.
18. Online payments to internet based suppliers will be via the online account managed by the Treasurer. Such payments will be authorised in advance by 2 of the 4 signatories as per method for cheques.
19. An amendment of this Constitution requires a two-thirds majority of those voting either at an AGM, at SGM convened for that purpose or as a result of a postal or e-mail ballot.
20. The Committee may make or amend such rules as are deemed necessary for the efficient administration of any scheme of insurance adopted by the Association, or any other project which may be undertaken.
21. The Association may be dissolved by at least two-thirds majority of members casting their votes at an AGM or SGM for which the relevant period of notice had been given stating the terms of the proposal to dissolve.
22. Any assets remaining after the settlement of all debts and liabilities shall be given to such other recognised organisation or organisations that have objects similar to those of the Association as the management committee may determine.
Lochaber Beekeepers Association Equipment Loan Programme Terms & Conditions Given below are the Terms & Conditions of the LBA Equipment (Eqpt) Loan Programme; anyone wishing to borrow equipment from the LBA must agree to abide by these at the time that equipment is issued:
GENERAL By signing a loan form or emailing your agreement you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. All borrowers are requested to collect and return items from/to the current equipment manager, or location as advised. Please contact for a mutually convenient time giving a suitable phone number. All equipment on loan or hire remains the property of LBA unless a formal agreement is made to allow the borrower to purchase the equipment or replace it. An asset register and loan register will be maintained by the equipment manager and reviewed annually.
TRANSFER TO A THIRD PARTY The equipment should not be transferred to a third party without the prior notification and consent of the equipment manager and payment of the appropriate donation.
PERIOD OF LOAN The period of loan will be agreed with the equipment manager according to the item. It should be noted that there is a high demand for honey extraction equipment at certain times of the year, so the loan period is likely to be a maximum of 2 weeks.
LOSS OR DAMAGE The borrower is solely responsible for safeguarding the equipment taken on loan. The borrower must replace or pay for any equipment that is lost or damaged beyond what could reasonably be classed as fair wear and tear.
DONATION All borrowers will be asked for a donation to be put towards the upkeep and replacement of equipment. The donation should be appropriate to the value of the item – so at least £10 per week for the extraction equipment, and £5 for nucs for a season. Payment in cash/cheque to the equipment manager or online to treasurer.
HIRE OF COMPLETE HIVE To avoid disturbing an established colony and to reduce the chance of spreading disease, the person borrowing a complete hive should expect to replace it or pay for a replacement if they continue as bee keepers, or completely clean and disinfect it if they do not. The replacement should be equivalent quality to the one supplied.
DISPOSAL OF LBA EQUIPMENT Following an audit or inspection, any LBA equipment that is deemed to be no longer fit for purpose, may be offered for sale to the membership or disposed of at a recycling site or burned as appropriate. Decision to be made by the committee.
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